Agents of Empire: English Imperial Governance and the Making of American Political Institutions by Sean Gailmard
Agents of Empire: English Imperial Governance and the Making of American Political Institutions
Sean Gailmard
Page: 336
Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
ISBN: 9781009316927
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
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Books downloadable to ipad Agents of Empire: English Imperial Governance and the Making of American Political Institutions
To understand the foundations of American political institutions, it's necessary to understand the rationale for British colonial institutions that survived the empire. Political institutions in England's American colonies were neither direct imports from England, nor home-grown creations of autonomous colonists. Instead, they emerged from efforts of the English Crown to assert control over their colonies amid limited English state and military capacity. Agents of Empire explores the strategic dilemmas facing a constrained crown in its attempts to assert control. The study argues that colonial institutions emerged from the crown's management of authority delegated to agents-first companies and proprietors establishing colonies; then imperial officials governing the polities they created. The institutions remaining from these strategic dynamics form the building blocks of federalism, legislative power, separation of powers, judicial review, and other institutions that comprise the American polity today.
English Imperial System
For that reason, a look at the British imperial system, especially as it related to colonial politics and government, is in order. Direct Crown Control.
American Revolution
The American Revolution was a rebellion and political revolution in the Thirteen Colonies, which culminated in colonists initiating an ultimately successful
Agents of Empire - Political economy
Agents of Empire English Imperial Governance and the Making of American Political Institutions · $34.99 (P) · $ 34.99 (P) Paperback · Reviews & endorsements.
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Agents of Empire von English Imperial Governance and the Making of American Political Institutions British colonial institutions that survived the empire.
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Agents of Empire, Sean Gailmard
English Imperial Governance and the Making of American Political Institutions · Sean Gailmard
Imperial and postcolonial histories
Priya Satia argues that the making of Britain's "covert empire Talks about tariffs dominated American political American corporate globalism and American